Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pickled Presents

While Jack sold books, I came home and painted the kitchen, not with a paint brush, but with pear butter blurps. My Godchild Gary has one Christmas request; he wants pear butter. There were no pears for pear butter or chutney last year, but this Christmas he will get his wish.

We are also now the owners of several pints of tiny pickled beets that look like jewels in jars. I can't wait to present these to some serious beet lovers; they're too cute for words. Today's tasks include another day of Turning Leaf Fest and a trip to Atlanta to lunch with my daughter and her first cousin. Richard is stepping in as Jack's chauffeur and big beet slicer. More produce processing projects are promised for tomorrow.

There are still carrots to peel and turn into carrot cakes, and with enough time I'll turn our frozen muscadine mash into jam. I'm also primed for creating pastaless lasagna out of the yellow zucchini that I bought from a local farmer at last week's Buzz Fest. Who knew that zucchini comes in two colors?

All this food frenzy is in preparation for my disappearance down south for several weeks. I just couldn't leave all these garden goodies to spoil in my absence; what would we give as Christmas gifts?