Saturday, May 8, 2010

Focus on Fun

We cooked for hundreds and fed fifty-three;
That was also counting Richard and me
That’s not to say we didn’t have great fun;
We’d have had fun if we’d fed only one.
Jack Darnell came in with his published book;
Everyone bought one who took a look.
Mamie was there with a few of her friends;
Shirley was there from our right-of-way end.

Our over-the-hill neighbors, there in force;
Their total number being five, of course.
Deborah was able to promote her class.
Exercise may help to relieve the gas
Caused by the beans, onions, and cheese and such.
Many people confessed they ate too much.
Tall Pines new owners came to meet neighbors
They felt that we’d done them a big favor.

The Schaaf family makes strollers for twins
Bill fixes engines and some odds and ends
One of his talents is for finding gold
He gives gold panning tours and is quite bold
In his knowledge of gold and Coker Creek
He shared some with us when he rose to speak.
He brought panning equipment and some sand
For showing how to find gold in a pan

Brave Betty, two Lindas, Don and Judi
Did all the serving and cleaning duty
At the hall so we have much less to do
Until Monday when we’ll have to scoop poo
Now to the kitchen with lots of chili
Our plans to scoop poop now feel silly
What were we thinking? It will take two days
Filling the freezer with chili in trays.

And cleaning and storing spoons, pots and pans --
I forget this part when making my plans.
We’ll focus on fun as we clean the mess;
How long this will take is anyone’s guess.
All in all, it seems everyone had fun.
I certainly hope we’ll do more than just one
First Friday Feast. But pot luck it will be;
Not so much work for my Richard and me.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful that you hosted a Chili feed. Your poetry keeps bringing me back for more. What a grand idea, tho, First Friday Feast.
    BlessYou and YourRichard
