Monday, August 9, 2010

Quite Quiet

It was a quiet day up our way;
Richard was under the weather.
I tiptoed around and stayed off the phone,
Hoping his aches would get better.
He’s usually such a stoic that,
When he admits he’s sick,
I feel like I should take him
To the hospital, double quick.

I can be a bit hysterical
About sickness in those I care for.
I made him a cup of chicken soup;
He didn’t think that he should dare more.
Oh, what’s a mother to do
When her chicks are feeling bad?
It’s so hard to know how much to do
Without driving them awfully mad.

Once we’ve almost lost a chick
We’re prone to hovering over it.
If anyone or thing threatens harm,
We push them back a bit.
But if pushing isn’t what they need
How can we show we care?
With a good book and a computer,
We can simply be quietly there.


  1. Ahhhhhh, the tough IRON lady is very capable of having a truly soft spot. This is a great poem, it says a lot for one who cares for another.
    Hope Richard is Better soon, and you can quit tip toeing!

    Love from Kirksville, MO. Home of Osteopathy.

  2. Y, Sorry you've had sickness in your family. You're an excellent poet!
