Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valuing My Valentine

I didn't realize it was Valentine's Day until it was almost done;
I had been on the phone most of the morning, and then I was on the run
Packing and planning for our trip down south, while Richard put up sheet rock.
This method of celebrating our love may lead others to, our passion, mock.

I did get flowers from my sweetie, about a week ago;
He got ahead of the holiday, which made my heart fires glow.
He wanted to make certain that we had time to enjoy their bloom
Without having, in the trip down south, to make flower delivery room.

We could have had a candlelight dinner, if I had been able
To, under the painting supplies, find the kitchen table.
We have to find our romance in the little everyday things;
We can never predict the next twist that our marriage brings.

I did have a card to remind him that he's the love of my life,
And I did serve him a chili supper, like a dutiful and loving wife.
We're cleaning out the freezer; the chili was part of a bigger plan.
This is the way of life and love with my hard-working man.


  1. Sounds like a celebration of LOVE to me!!!!

    Take care as you prepare.

  2. Another good one! Your story in rhyme.
