Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mother's Day

I've had a wonderful day
Though nobody came to play;
Many called to say
Happy Mother's Day.

I have never been one
To save all the fun
For a day that was begun
And by a corporation run.

Most major holidays
Play out on the stage
Of those of a certain age
Who all read the same page.

Those who are so busy
Their lives making them dizzy
And are so often in a tizzy
Don't need other places to be.

So whenever they get a moment
To share life not otherwise spent,
They can tell me where they went
And what their holiday meant.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you put words into verse that explain things in life. We had a great day here...I went to Tellico Plains early, then at 4:00 our two daughters and granddaughters who live nearby had us over to their home where they cooked steak and potatoes and beans for the main meal - then strawberry shortcake for dessert. We had taken my Mom to breakfast Saturday, which she seemed to enjoy.
