Friday, June 10, 2011

Far From the Tree

"That apple didn't fall far from the tree,"
Can often be said of you and of me.
Still, some seeds are blown by the wind,
Or planted on purpose by adventurous friends.
But, some soils are simply not the right mix;
Only moving the plants will weaknesses fix.

We thought this was so when our home blew away,
And we thought we'd forever far from this field stay.
But our tree is all grown and has planted new seeds;
So many saplings seek our support in addressing their needs.
We have returned to the orchard where our tree began,
Hoping this is the proper progression in our life plan.


  1. Lovely expression, I understand this entry and I can see you are goling to enjoy the re-plant.

    Now take care and enjoy the Cajun surroundings, I love the accent!

    Take care, relax and GROW more!

  2. I am commenting on the blog of June ll, That one 'Sacred Sundays' will not take a comment from me.

    Anyway I love the meaning, and especially the part: Something likeTHAT SHOULD NOT PREVENT A JOYFUL NOISE.
    I hope I am not too confused. Love ya Y.
