Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Treasure Time Together

Instead of hurrying on Christmas day,
I'm taking my children out to play.
My son and his boy met me at the mall;
Negotiations took only one phone call.
I smiled as they sparred with one another;
My son's no longer a little brother.
He's a dad, and he had the last word
On the raiment of his baby bird.
They argued and then pleaded with me:
Their arguments to oversee.
But I knew that my son would pass the test
Of wanting what, for his son, what was best.

My daughter-in-law, bless her heart,
In my Christmas shopping became a part.
She agreed to accompany my granddaughter
For what could have become a slaughter.
We began with a leisurely lunch buffet
At a coast hotel where gamblers play.
Then a drive watching whitecaps on the water
To shopping with limits we had to barter.
We succeeded in our purchasing adventure;
Now it's onto our next holiday venture.
My son had already bought himself
The gift I bought him, that unpredictable elf.

My sweetie and I will wake on the day
In a room of our own on the Biloxi Bay.
We'll spend time with only each other
Before we welcome the babies to smother,
With kisses and hugs and well wishes,
Over a table filled with holiday dishes,
Prepared by their daddy, a working man,
Who for Christmas, a day off was not the plan.
Gifts will have been given and unwrapped
The children will have, hopefully, already napped.
What a way to ease into the ending
Of a season that has been rather mind-bending.

In the new year, my daughter and her precious girls
Are going to give this gifting method a whirl.
In an Atlanta suburb, we'll have to see,
How easily we can complete a shopping spree.
The pace may be a bit more hurried,
But I promised myself I won't get worried.
It's about time spent with those I love,
And not about the push and shove
Of getting the most activity;
It's about the parts of each other we see.
This may turn out to be the best Christmas ever,
With memories of time together to treasure.


  1. What a nice 'get ready for the big day poem'.
    Ahhh, and a room alone with Richard on Christmas day and that on Biloxi Bay. Great and we hope it is the best Christmas ever for you and the loved ones!!!

  2. OMGoodness! Christmas Day on Biloxi Bay
    Was mine, all mine, on a long ago day
    And oh the joy we had in those times
    Running and loving and playing in the waves
    A long ways from home
    And we had no phone
    Nor car, nor house
    And we were as poor as any church mouse
    But we were in love and the neighbors all knew it
    In Ocean Springs, and that's all there was to it!

  3. Y, You have been thrice-blessed. Your family Christmas will be, yet, another fine memory.
    BlessYourHearts and MerryChristmas
