Monday, August 22, 2011

Star Status

I don't know how other parents live in their grown children's homes;
I guess it's sometimes the only alternative to living all alone.
I love to be treated as visiting royalty when I arrive
But if they saw me every day, I'm sure this wouldn't survive.
My granddaughter and I play games and snuggle in the bed;
She reads to me from books which I'm certain she's already read.
My grandson shows off his talents and his many friends,
And I don't want that magic to ever come to an end.
I love my son's sense of humor, but he sometimes gets carried away;
Because I'm in his house, there are many things I don't feel free to say.
His wife and he have discussions in which I'm not invited to take part;
This is just as well; it's hard to stop once my mouth gets a start.
Kisses and hugs all around when I come and when I go again;
Coming home to our own routines helps my star status to remain.


  1. YEP, agree. There are some folk who never see the truth in this short entry. BUT it is right on.

    We also unless tyhe world makes a BIG reversal, we will never be in the children's home permanently.
    Love from NC

  2. And that's the way it should be. Your post reminded me of a conversation with a BIL yesterday that when he bought a new house about 7 years ago when he was 78 his mother was upset that he had not first gotten his approval. Also - I think you have just told me why our Mom insists on living alone in her small apartment at 90 years of age. ☺

  3. Not "his" approval - HER approval.
