Thursday, November 10, 2011

Varying Veterans Day Observation

We were able to observe Veterans Day a little early this year.
Tuesday we gave a presentation at our granddaughter's school
About the Higgins Boats that Richard holds most dear.
Yesterday we met this class at the World war II Museum;
They were interested in the boats that "won the war."
A Higgins Boat Vet was on hand to greet them.
Captain Don was a coxswain on Higgins landing boats;
He served our country fighting in the Philippines,
Where the Navy taught him how to drive whatever floats.

I spent the day listening to him tell his many tales
He's a mechanic, musician, teacher, and boat pilot;
He doesn't seem to know the meaning of "fail."
He lost his beloved wife to cancer many years ago
But he continues to give his talents to others;
He puts on an interesting and informative show.
Hearing of his life in Missouri with his mother and dad
And of his adventures out at sea in the World War II;
It was the most memorable museum visit I've had.

He is a bit of our country's living history;
I can only imagine him as a school teacher --
How exciting and engaging his classes must be.
Passion put into what we teach is so contagious
The teaching by rote of subjects we don't know
Seems to me to be simply outrageous.
We can learn so much by simply sitting at the feet
Of those who are willing to share their life stories
With everyone they happen to meet.


  1. Great entry. There are those who make your mind want to learm, when they teach, learning is no longer work, it is a thrill. I have known only two teachers like that.

    I know the class was thrilled also.

    Yes, there is still living history.

    Thanks for fresh reminders.

  2. In our Cub Scout Den, we have a yearly tradition. We make cards to send to the military overseas. Last year, we mailed the cards to my brother, Mike, who was serving in Afghanistan. This year, we are mailing the cards to "any soldier." We also talk about "Duty to Country" and what it means to us.

  3. Loved reading about Captain Don! I'd like to hear him telling his stories - in person - but don't expect that to happen soon. Happy Veteran's Day to you and Richard.

    For the second time this morning Blogger says I'm not allowed to post to this blog from my google account. Ha. (Fred)
