Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ode to Perfect Pears and Singing of Cinnamon Rolls

Ode to Perfect Pears
(To the tune of: It Came Upon a Midnight Clear)

They came upon a day so clear, those glorious pears of gold;
From angels living on the earth to touch our holler so cold.
Pears on the earth, good food for all, from Harry and David’s they’re sent.
Then we begin to anticipate the perfect pear tasting moment.

For lo the days, they pass so slow, as on the pears we wait.
When with a tender gentle touch we know this time is great.
And, with a friend, we taste the pear, juice dribbling down our chins.
Our grateful hearts give thanks to God and to our generous friends

Singing of Cinnamon Rolls
(To the tune of: Carolina in the Morning)

Nothing could be finer
Than Josie’s homemade designer
Sweet Cinn-a-mon rolls.

Dunk ‘em in my coffee
It feels just like a party
Those cinn-a-mon rolls.

It’s true – I have an obsession with food. I love to touch it, taste it, cook it, can it, smell it, and serve it. I know I should be five hundred and fifty pounds. I guess I’m just blessed with good metabolism.

I had another wonderful day preparing for Christmas. I began with baking fruitcakes. You can laugh if you want to about there only being only one fruitcake ever made that’s passed on from generation to generation as a doorstop. But, since Rachel loves my fruitcake, all our visitors will have the opportunity to taste it.

I do have to confess that the first time I fed Rachel’s then boyfriend, now her husband, Larry, my fruitcake, he threw it off the second story deck to keep from eating it. No one is forced to try my fruitcake, but everyone should be aware that it’s quite well-marinated in sherry and brandy. It might be worth a try.

While the fruitcakes were baking, I got a call from my newest soul sister, Julia, that I met on retreat in October with long-time soul sister Gayle. She has decided that, rather than accept our Christmas holiday invitation to visit, she’ll come in the spring when the mountains are in bloom. Her call and the anticipation of her visit are both special Christmas gifts to me.

Even though Richard is still recuperating from the flu, he managed to wrap a couple of gifts and put together our new Christmas tree. There are no ornaments on it, yet. But at least it came with pre-installed lights. It now stands proudly aglow in our front window.

I did finish sewing Sarah’s gift; it awaits Josie’s artistry to complete it, and then Richard can do his exquisite wrap job. I lined up cute, energetic Cassie to help me clean on the day after Christmas. It may not yet be Christmas, but at our house in the holler: All is calm, all is bright (though still messy).

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