Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday with Several Friends

We spent Sunday with several friends;
It was all very nicely paced.
As Richard cooked his favorite pork ribs,
With Don’s presence, we were graced.

We talked of our veterans, family, and faith --
All favorite topics of mine.
Richard and Don both served our country
When we were fighting in Vietnam.

Mountaintop Mary came to meet her man;
We shared coffee and some laughs.
Richard sent them off with cabbage and ribs,
And jokes about Beano and gas.

Then it was over to our garden at Mamie’s
To pull some Hitler weed.
We’d like to get ahead of it
Before it goes to seed.

Mamie and I talked raising vegetables
And how we reared our kids.
I finally had to join Richard;
We had come over to dig.

We’re trying a new way to garden
With no plow or tiller or hoe.
The secret is to lay down very thick mulch
Before you begin to sow.

I began to transplant our butternut squash
Under the leaves Richard had spread.
We’re hoping this method will work
In smothering weeds till they’re dead.

When the rains began to blind us
We retreated to our place,
Where the scents of Richard’s cooking
Permeated all our space.


  1. Sounds like a great time of reminiscing, and just enjoying the day.
    I hope the garden is successful. Sounds like a good idea.
    Take care and have a great evening. I know it is beautiful there in the hills this time of day!

  2. yumm! Vegetables!!!
