Tuesday, December 14, 2010

He's Such a Handy Man

It's so easy to fold myself into the lives of young families without a thought about how it affects my marriage. There always seems to be so much need when there are children to be minded and minds to be molded. With the particular parents about whom I'm speaking, I know how carefully they choose with whom they entrust their children. The parents ask for me to help safeguard their young, and I am honored beyond belief. This leads to me often saying, "Yes" without thinking, leaving Richard in the lurch wanting for a wife to share a grown-up life.

I've never really enjoyed babies or babysitting, except when Richard was around to enforce order. He's a wonder to behold when a baby is upset, no matter the age of the baby. His center of calm seems to infuse whoever he's with. One of my favorite moves is to put a toddler in his care while I fix supper. He'll build a fort around the child, keeping the child so mesmerized that they forget to fuss. There's always a pay-off at the end, like busting down the tower, or frozen confections for all.

Screaming babies put in his lap are generally cooing in a matter of minutes. One of our infant nephews, as a breast-fed baby was inconsolable every time his mother left him. He used to comfort himself by sucking on Richard's thumb as they watched television together.

We have a whole new crop of kids coming up, most of the male persuasion. I hope I can convince Richard that he really wants to hang out with the boys after hanging out with the "boys." After a day of boat building, I hope he's ready for doing more than sitting on the sofa with the young men in training to be daddies. I hope he's up for enticing them to help with the baby boys.

I miss the days of cooking with kids playing in my line of sight. We even had a wall taken out of one of our houses to enable this experience. If only I'd asked Richard to bring his hand-hewn "chick sticks," I'm sure I'd succeed in seducing Richard to recreate those moments. I think I may hear some brand new Lincoln Logs calling out to me...


  1. LoL - looks like you place high stock on Richards abilities in all fields. I'm sure he's pleased as punch, especially when you give him the loving attention he seeks and feels well paid for his efforts. ☺ Those crying babies are NOT my forte. I do love them - but now depend on the Mommies more when they start to fret or cry. I can take it for awhile...say 5 minutes?...then I have to have some relief or I join them in crying. I'm really not good with the youngest ones! Found out what pills Richard takes and let me know before my gang starts arriving on Saturday!

  2. Your Richard seems to be one of a kind. I like to see someone who has what I call 'The knack' of handling kids with 'handling them'.

    I liked the entry, and yoyur description of Richard's abilities.

    He must be a keeper!
    Love from across the mountain.
