Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Divine Disaster

When my mother died I claimed her mixer,
But it was missing a large bowl,
So I bought a set of several sizes,
Thinking this would make it whole.

I was making a carrot cake for
The birthday of my "other mother,"
When the batter slung all over the kitchen
Like sweet, orange melted butter.

The mixer twirled that bowl around
At such a fantastic speed
I wished I had a sister here;
We'd have had quite a laugh, indeed.

It seems that my mom's mixer is
Much more powerful than mine,
Or is this a little prank they played,
My mom and her Divine?


  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I can just see the batter hitting the fan!!!!

    Probably a sweet spirit standing in the corner of the kitchen, dodging flying batter and smilling from the sidelines also.

    Love it!
    You think in prose, methinks!!!!

  2. Sure hope you had some butter in the batter to make the batter splatter better! Hilarious. ☻
